IAC Monday Night League

Proximity Marker Schedule for ‘14

4/14               Front              Closest to the Pin # 4       

4/21               Back               Longest Putt  # 14

4/28               Front              Closest to the Pin in 3 shots  # 6

5/5                 Back               Closest to the Pin  # 13

5/12               Front              Longest Putt # 9

5/19               Back               Closest to the Pin in 2 shots  # 16

6/2                 Back               Closest to the Pin  # 17

6/9                 Front              Longest Putt  # 3

6/16               Back               Closest to the Pin in 3 shots  # 15

6/23               Front              Closest to the Pin  # 8

6/30               Back               Closest to the Pin in 3 shots  # 11

7/7                 Front              Longest Putt  # 9

7/14               Back               Closest to the Pin  # 13

7/21               Front              Closest to the Pin  # 4

7/28               Back               Longest Putt  # 18

8/4                 Front              Longest Putt  # 5

8/11               Back               Closest to the Pin  # 17

8/18               Front              Longest Putt  # 1

8/25               Back               Closest to the Pin  # 13

9/8                 Back               Closest to the Pin in 2 shots  # 14

9/15               Front              Longest Putt # 3